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We currently have one Sunday service at 9:50 a.m.
Visit our Online Worship page to see the recorded live stream
of our weekly services.

Welcome! We invite you to become a part of the Bellmore Presbyterian Church family. Unconditional, or Agape, love is prayerfully what you will find in this biblically-based congregation committed to serving the world.


Our mission with San Nicolas in Cuba, Vacation Bible School, Church School, and Church Fair are but a few of the great endeavors we share with the community at large.


We want to share the Grace and Love of Jesus Christ in word and deed. We are never content keeping God's wonderful joy and love to ourselves! Come and help us share it. Expressing worship and gratitude is always at the heart of our fellowship and service. We look forward to greeting you!


Worship With Us


9:50 a.m. in the Sanctuary


Communion is served every first Sunday of the month

(safety precautions have been implemented).


Child Care

Is available for infants and toddlers during our worship service.


Church School

Weekly for Pre-K to 8th Graders during the

9:50 a.m. service

support bpc
Help Support Our Church Through PayPal!
If you would like to make a donation to Bellmore Presbyterian Church, please click or scan the PayPal buttons below! It accepts all forms of credit and debit cards.

Please join us for our worship services: 

every Sunday at 9:50 a.m. begins our praise

to our God, who is worthy of our time.





10:00 am - 5:00 pm

Be sure to save the date and plan to come

Crafts * Holiday Gift Items * Raffles * Baked Goods * Farm Fresh Vegetables * Attic Trash and Treasurers

Lunch served from 10:30 am - 4:00 pm







Rebuilding Lives Together for Mission


Our Church Community

Visit Us

2740 Martin Avenue

Bellmore, NY 11710


Contact Us

(516) 785-2590


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